Ever heard of the Scientific Method?
If not, read up on it.
Attached is a diagram that explains it.
Study it. Then use it.
Most people go through the process without even thinking about it.
They ask a question, maybe do a lil bit of research, and come up with a hypothesis.
But they don't go much beyond that step. Never do a legitimate test in the field.
And as a result, never make any traction or get the intended results.
Here’s what it looks like in real life…
I wonder if [niche] would buy my [offer]? Hmm it looks like they buy something similar… so my guess is yes, they would!
*asks 2 people if they would buy it, but neither do…*
Damn guess this won’t work. Ok onto the next shiny object!
Even worse… a lot of folks don’t test their hypothesis at all.
They come with a million different “ideas” of what they THINK will do well. Tell their friends, family, and social media about it. Get a bunch of pats on the back. But never take the first step beyond that.
So it gets buried in the graveyard of all their other ideas.
Here’s how it should look…
Question: I wonder if people would pay $5k to get 30 days of 1:1 email marketing consulting with me?
Research: I’ve sold $30k for 6 months before and see other folks in the business niche selling at $5k or more.
Hypothesis: If I presented this offer to 100 previous customers, I think I could close 10 of them.
Experiment: I’m going to send a personalized email to 100 customers and test my message, offer, and conversion rate.
Results: I sent it to a 100 customer list segment and closed 8 people over 4 weeks. 7 of the 8 who bought had purchased 2+ times from me.
Conclusion: I should run this test again next month to another list of customers and review the results again. I should also continue to drive people to my front-end offers to get to 2+ purchases.
See how that works?
You won’t get the desired result every time.
In fact, most of your hypotheses will be wrong.
But eventually you find one that works. And it only takes one win to create a domino effect of more wins.
So if you want to get everything you want… rich, successful, fit, partner of your dreams, etc… study and apply the Scientific Method.
Understand this is an iterative process, so you’re always going through it.
Each time you do you get better at asking questions. Have better data and research. And better hypotheses that lead to better results.
Keep going through the Scientific Method and you are guaranteed to get everything you want.
It's not a matter of if, but when.
Your compadre,
Sean Anthony
P.S. I’m looking to work 1-on-1 with 5 business owners in May, helping them install the Email Rainmaker Ecosystem. For more details, watch this video.