Why subscribe to basic (free) level?

Subscribe for free to get content on internet money, email, marketing, sales, and investing delivered straight to your inbox.

Click HERE for Basic Level FAQ

Basic subscribers get the following:

  • 1x new post a week minimum

  • Full archive of free posts

The posts will be focused on writing, emails, and internet biz — categorized as follows:

  • Grow: getting attention, traffic, and leads through content and advertising

  • Write: writing banger emails, content, posts, sales letters, G-Docs, and scripts

  • Profit: offers, monetization, and make money strategies

  • Investor: for folks making multiple 6-figures per year who want to multiply their profits from passive income vehicles (crypto, real estate, stocks)

  • WiFi Biz: business structure, models, mindset, personal development, anything that doesn’t fit into the other categories

Additional posts: I’ll be posting additional content on top of the structure above. As far as timing of those posts, see below.

Timing: I don’t have an exact posting schedule for day or time as of now. Due to timezones, travel and client engagements - the posts will be made when they are made and will be available to everyone at the same time.

Join Email Rainmaker+ (ER+)

ER+ is our premium newsletter. It’s best for the movers and shakers who are putting it out on the field every day.

The current price is $10/mo or $100 a year. Price will be increased over time as more content and resources are published.

ER+ subscribers get access to:

  • Full spectrum of posts and can ask questions related to the in the comments

  • Zoom AMAs and strategy sessions (about 1x a month)

  • Monthly “Emails of the Month” templates (3x a month)

  • Case studies and campaign breakdowns (about 1x a month)

  • Secret goodies (products, courses, content) unlocked periodically

Before you join, spend time reading through the free posts to see if it’s useful.

I prefer to work with people who make a calculated decision versus who bought on impulse.  My best clients typically start as skeptics then sign on if they find it useful.

Whenever you’re ready, you can join below.

How To Pay For Years Of ER+

Here’s three easy ways to pay for years of ER+ (or something else).

1. Implement the free posts.

A real or future Rainmaker should be able to make far more than $100 simply from the free posts here. The info is designed to be used. So use it and make some money :-)

It’s not unusual to get a message from someone about sending one email to their list and making enough to pay for years of ER+.

2. Recapture and Reallocate.

Nic Peterson from the Guardian Academy is the reason this Substack exists. I started it after a conversation with him.

He has a fantastic exercise called “Recapture and Reallocate” that takes 40 minutes to implement and can help you find “free money”. I went through this exercise myself and immediately saved $23,000.

Check out this free post to see how it works.

Then come back here to sign up if you decide it’s worth $100.

3. Become an Ambassador.

Know someone who could benefit from this Substack? Pay for membership by telling them about it. Just grab your referral link and invite your people to join the journey.

Free Resources

Paid Resources

Subscribe to Email Rainmaker

The #1 Substack on how to make it rain with email, written by Sean Anthony. Weekly posts with proven tactics to help you start, grow, and make money from your email list. Subscribe for my free guide on how to get your first 1000 subscribers.